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Monday, 18 July 2011

Cyprus hockey

Hockey is an ancient Greek sport is known as the keritizin, unfortunately this sport not popular or pick up in Cyprus.

This game was introduced in this land early 1900 with the British occupation of Cyprus but this game was mostly played in British military based and never introduce among the general public.
There was an only two private hockey sport school that were playing this game and teach students, the English school in Nicosia and the American academy in larnaca.

Hockey picked up early 1970; the school of graduate formed their team ESOBGA (English school old boys and girls association). Old boys and girls have started playing against the British bases and United Nations.

Cyprus hockey association

1n 1989, the Cyprus hockey association was established and have our league team of six students, each team has to organize on all Sunday, Cyprus hockey association trying very hard to improve hockey in Cyprus. Cyprus hockey association trying to work introduce this game to more schools, colleges and universities especially ones in order to build up for the future.

Cyprus hockey association has three Astro turf pitches, with two of them established in the British bases. Many of teams visit Cyprus including British and Germany teams, enjoying good weather and our hospitality.
Recently year, we have taken part in European events; the Mediterranean cup and last year participate in European challenge in Malta.

Address: P.O. Box 25492
City Nicosia 1310
Tel ++ 357 22 757422
Fax ++357 22 751385
Peter G
 Cyprus hockey:

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